Crazy lectronics
Larry Heard. Between 1986 and 1989 Larry made some of the strangest house music that has ever been made. Sure, others had a Sequential Curcuit Drumtracks and a Roland Juno, but no one got the voodoo like he do. Of course, his later work stinks, but we don't hold that against him. This mix features some of his most oddball tracks alongside those he undoubtedly inspired. Not for the faint hearted. Click here or right click to save.
Tracklist -
- Gherkin jerks - Din sync
- Saturn V - H sync
- Gherkin jerks - Tar dis
- Classix nouveaux - Dance like the robots
- Africans with mainframes - Watusi - Ritual acid reprise
- Lil Louis - God is watching you
- Members only historical archives - What's it?
- Kenny Larkin - Colony
- Rhythim is rhythim - Move it
- Housefactors - Freestyle
- Armando / Steve Poindexter - Blackholes - The Sun god reconstruction
- Marcus Mixx - Psychousic
- Neuropolitique - Report
- Housefactors - Go crazy
- Mr Fingers - Slam dance
- Eric Martin - Emergency - Steve Poindexter edit
- Theo Parrish - Insane asylum